Ask the Expert Session
Engage with SECO-Institute’s Experts
Every 3 months we want to organize an online session on a specific topic.
SECO-Members can submit a topic that a SECO-Expert will talk about for a maximum of 15 minutes. This is followed by a discussion with the participants about a number of statements on the subject that the SECO-Expert has prepared.
Submit a topic for the next Expert session
Past event: The changing role of the CISO 2.0
The CISO’s job is no longer just to protect against threats and manage risk; they are now expected to play a crucial role in managing brand perception, employee engagement, and the strategic adoption of new technologies driving revenue and further growth. In paradox, the huge paste of digital transformation and the scale and complexity of threats has driven Security Leaders to become more business savvy now that security is entering the boardroom level.
In this session, we will talk about the changing role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
Questions that will be addressed: “What will be the future role of the CISO?”, “What will be the future challenges?”, “What competencies and skills does a future CISO need?”
Date: 27 September 2023
Time: 8pm – 9pm CEST
Where: Online